Our company / The players/The Scientific and Strategic Council
The players
The Scientific and Strategic Council
>> The members of Scientific and Strategic Council
The Scientific and Strategic Council consists of five members, led by André Merlin (President of the ERDF and RTE oversight committees). They are:
- André Merlin, a former student at the Ecole Polytechnique and the Supélec,
- Jacques Bouttes, general defense engineer and honorary president of the Association of Polytechnicians,
- Michel Guilbaud, an engineer for the Corps des Mines and CEO of MEDEF,
- Roger Pagezy, an engineer for the Corps des Mines and former director of Saint Gobain,
Jacques Varet, a doctor of earth sciences, volcanology and geology, former director of the BRGM prospecting branch
>> The Scientific and Strategic Council’s role
They are tasked with advising Electerre de France's Administrative Committee. They look at the relevance of and opportunities presented by the company’s projects and activities.
- Contributions towards helping the company’s activities and its areas of international research,
- Giving their opinions on programmes' adequacy and giving new perspectives to further the scientific and technical progress in the fields in which the company works,
- Helping the company appreciate in-depth research. This could have a far-reaching influence on the company’s long-term activities.